Upload Files to SharePoint using PowerShell

SharePoint admins occasionally have write PowerShell scripts to regularly extract some type of summary data from the SharePoint farm and then write that out to a file, usually in CSV format since PowerShell handles those so well. This is great for admins because we can just log onto the box and open the file to read the data, but what about the rest of the SharePoint team that also needs that data? Click to read the full post

A Bespoken Post

In my perusal of various IT and general news, I’ve noticed another word popping up all over the place : bespoke.  Apparently the simple word “custom”  is too pedestrian for some so they reach for this one from the 1600s instead to make themselves seem erudite whilst (and at the same time) obfuscating their true meaning.

A long, long time ago, I was told that the purpose of communication is to convey your message to others in a form that they can easily and accurately understand.  However, some people think that if they deliberately say things in a way that confuses others that it makes them appear more intelligent.  This is from the same school of thought that says you can become taller by cutting the legs off of everyone else.

Another Option for Missing “Sign in as Different User” link in SharePoint 2013

In SharePoint 2010, there was a wonderful option called “Sign in as Different User” that would allow you to quickly, easily and painlessly switch user accounts in the browser without losing your place on a site. This worked wonderfully for developers and for Admins where they have multiple IDs. However, it confused the average user and Click to read the full post

Creating “Dynamic” XSL Variables

One of the really ugly things about working with Xsl is that it doesn’t support actual variables. There is a ‘variable’ element but it isn’t actually a variable; it is a constant as the value cannot be changed once it has been set. This leads to all sorts of horrible solutions, like duplicating Xsl for the various possible values/conditions or even turning a block of Xsl into a template and then passing parameters to it every time that value is needed. The latter works and is supported but is frequently overkill.

However, there is another way Click to read the full post

Thoughts and comments from deep in the software development jungle